Jennie |
We Miss You!! |
February 3, 2015 |
Mom Maw! I miss you. I think about you all the time. My mom made the blanket from those kitty cat squares you made. My girls love it. You would love all these babies that are blessing our lives. Shannon and Jen's baby Riley is gorgeous! You would love that little peanut. Jerry and Marta's handsome little boy Myles is a spitting image of little Jerry. Joe Joe and Lisa are having a baby girl!! In June. You would be so proud to see the man he has become. My girls love there uncle Joe. John is doing great too! He's a great uncle and the girls get a kick out of him. The battle of the favorite uncle! Mom and Dad are doing good. I do not know what I would do without them. They are the best parents. Joe Joe is trying to plan a big trip to West Virginia this summer. Wouldn't that be fun! Aunt Linda wouldn't know what to do with all these kids!
Watch over this big family of ours. I know you are. *
Love you and miss you always *jennie
Well, here I am again sharing my stories and life with you. I miss our talks and you most of the time just listening to me rant about one thing or another.
I am going to be a grandmother in September. Shannon is having a little girl, her name is Riley. I am so excited about this little girl joining our lives. I know she will bring Shannon and Jen tremendous happiness. I cannot tell you the happiness I feel knowing this little girl is coming and that she is going to be my grand daughter. I was beginning to think me becoming a grandmother was not going to happen.
Cissie is going to be a Grandma too in August. I know she would have been so excited. I wish she was here so her, Sue and I could share our new little babies together. Yelp and Jennie had her little baby girl her name is Brynn. She is a beautiful little girl and her big sister Jordyn loves having her around. She thinks she is her little mommy.
I know you missed all of this, but know each one of us will give these kids a little bit of you. They will know you, I promise.
I miss you every day.
Jennie |
Missing you |
April 24, 2014 |
Mom maw,
you have come across my mind so much lately. Jordyn is getting so big and in 2 weeks (or so) I will have another addition to my little family! Another baby girl. It only makes me realize just how difficult being a mom can be! And you did this 9 times!!! You were such a strong woman! I miss you so much. Jordyn will be 2 in a few weeks and she is so much fun. She is just like a mini me. Such a personality. She makes everyone laugh and you would get a kick out of the things she says. She is such a caring little girl, biggest heart I have known. She will be a great big sister. I know you are watching over us. There are so many little additions to this BIG family we have coming soon. How I wish you could be here to see us all and how we have all grown up. You would be so proud. I miss you.
Janie |
Missing you everyday! |
January 15, 2014 |
Mom, it is hard to believe that you will be gone 7 years this year. Time seems to have gone by so quickly. I often look at your pictures and smile. Sometimes I wonder why you were taken from us just when we thought you were doing so much better.
The other day I believe I found the answer. Another person who meant a lot to me passed away this month. Tom's Uncle John on New Years day...what an amazing uncle and how much he meant to me.
When I was talking with Poppy trying to console him, I said, your brother is in a better place....And Poppy answered, no I believe Heaven is a better place because my brother is there. At that moment I realized that I was selfish wanting you to stay with was your time to make Heaven a better place.
I know you, dad, cissie, butch and donald are all there waiting for the rest of us to come home. I know my heart will never heal from the losses, it misses all of you every day. I realize more now than ever before that we need to love, respect and value each other for our time on earth is never known.
Miss & love you!
I'm sitting here while it is snowing outside and a memory came to me. Remember when Dad drove on top of the sidewalk in about 10 inches of snow trying to get you to work. Not sure why I was with the two of you but I do remember how scared I was.
Shannon & Amanda are doing very well in college and are soon to obtain their degree's. How proud you would have been of them. Amanda misses you calling her hunny bunny. She clings to the Simba stuffed animal that you bought her as if it was in some way connected to you. She took Simba to college with her. I remember how crazy you made me to try and find it for her.
So many of us come to this site with sorrow. I do not think any of us realized the bond and thread that you weaved in each of our lives. I do know are missed everyday, everyday we wish we had one more day with you.
Mom Maw I don't know where to begin. I haven't been able to write to you until now. I still can't believe your gone. I just wanted you to know how much I miss you each and every day. I married the most wonderful man Chris on July 11, 2008. It was a beautiful wedding and I just know you were watching over us. So many things happened that day to my mother and I that just let us know everything was going to be okay. When My mother dropped my special wedding cake, we just looked at eachother and she cried, but I laughed and said "thanks mom-maw, we know everythings gonna be okay!" That seemed to calm her right down. She misses you so much and I can't help but see the hurt in her eyes, missing her mother. We are so close and she's my best friend. We also got a puppy named Moose and I just know you'd think he was so cute. He even thinks of my mom as his Mom-maw! haha. Everyone has a mom-maw but again, not like you. We all just want you to know that we are okay. We think about you every night after wheel of fortune and just laugh at how "everythings old" when I'd ask you "whats new?" you always made me laugh. Now that I am married and taking care of things on my own I can't help but think of how proud you'd be and how I wish you could know how big a part you played in your grandchildrens lives. We all love our mom-maw and laugh because no one else really knows how to even say it! Please watch over all of us and ease our empty hearts. We will miss you and think of the wonderful life you led.
Happy Birthday Granny
I know that Janie has already mentioned that we had Jennie a bridal shower, well now she is married, to Chris, you remember you met him at Janie's on your birthday last year. She looked beautiful and I felt your presence all around us. It has taken me almost a month to be able to let you know that I know you were there watching the whole thing. I know you played a part in having the cake I made her fall on the floor so that Jennie and I both could laugh and cry at the same time, but realizing that you were just telling us both to chill out. I also know that you and Cissie both had a hand in the town wanting to shut off my electricity on the same day as the wedding, to put in some new meters, was this to tell me so what you will be fine and all will be okay or was this a test for me, because I made some calls and had the work postponed. If I am having some kind of test I'm pretty sure I passed, because everything turned out BEAUTIFUL. Jennie and I know that you were there. I know that I will see you again and that you are in good company. We will continue to use the strength that you had shown and set as an example to try and live the best way we can until, WE MEET AGAIN...Love You LOTS, MISS YOU OFTEN !
One More Day
If I had one more day with you, how could I ever let go?
To know, your soul will be taken to the next place, by Gods grace,
How could I ever let go?
In life we cherish what we dont have, and neglect what we do
The same is true for you, so if I had one more day
How could I ever let go?
To let go to, is to move forward without,
And it is written that our souls are everlasting, our bodies mere vessels,
So with my faith in our lord and savior, I trade my One more Day,
Because how could I ever let go?
I trade this day for an eternity with you and my family in the house of the lord,
Because this earth is no place for angels like you to spend eternity.
Love you all,
P.S. I know our hearts bleed with pain and anguish, But, there is a lesson to be learned in all things are lord makes happen, most of which we do not understand or have the answers. To my family, the lesson we all must walk away with is cherish the NOW, tomorrow is not promised. We have heard it all our lives, but we remember our mother, our grandmother, our great grandmother for all she has done on this earth for each and everyone of us, so let us learn our lessons and make our moment in time on this earth the most precious we can. So that when we pass, our legacy will be as strongly missed as the women who started this family. Nothing is that important that we cannot stop and remember whats the most important in life, Living for Today.....
I love you all.
mom' i don't know where to begin.i miss talking to gave such good always made me feel like a special didn't have to say you loved me all the had away about you that i just felt it. all you went threw in your life.from getting married and having all of us.your endurance was remarkable.i still don't believe you're gone.we all have such great memories.that's something that knowone can take from know mom life is so hard.i know now what you meant when you said it was no bed of roses.just dealing with things is hard.i think there is a pain that hurts so bad that it won't go matter what you just go on .and make the best of i'm having alot of regrets about my life.why i didn't try to do better and be something more.i think of you telling me to get an education.i didn't listen.and here forty years down the kicks me in the face.why didn't i listen.having you in my life was remarkable.i can't dwell on what i didn't do.i have to find the part of me i lost when you died.cause i know you would want me too.alot has happened.rhonda&javier got married and now have a baby girl .elena grace.she is beautiful.jenny got was a beautiful wedding.jenny looked like a little porcelean wined up doll.she was beautiful.i went to your church.really enjoyed it.the pastors son preached.he's as good as his i'm just really down right now i thought writing this would make me think of what i need to do.i miss you and love you........
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